

Totteridge Garden Club was formed in 1959 by a group of people who felt that they wanted to have advice and information on garden topics in an informal manner. That is still the focus of the Club. You do not have to be a gardener to enjoy the meetings! It is not an intense learning experience; it is a relaxed, social event. We have a meeting each month except for August and December in the Village Hall in Badgers Croft which is just off Totteridge Lane. There is ample parking there.

We usually have a speaker at the meeting who might be talking on a specific garden orientated topic such as container planting or they might talk on a more general topic such as wildlife or beekeeping.

Before listening to the speaker, members can have a chat or buy a plant – members bring plants to sell from March to October. There is also an Information Table on which are leaflets relating to various gardens in the UK, and the RHS magazine, The Garden which may be borrowed by members. There is also a raffle. After the talk, tea and biscuits are brought round and this is followed by a short business meeting.

There are two competitions at each meeting. One is suitable for the time of year – June was roses for example - and the other is Flower of the Month – just bring any attractive flower from your garden. These are usually judged by the speaker and a cash prize is given to the winner of each. There are also various trophies awarded throughout the year.

In December and August there is a dinner arranged instead of a talk. In summer we have a meeting and in December we have a Christmas dinner at the South Herts Golf Club.

We also have a Saturday coach outing occurring each month from April to October, see our Outings page for more details. Sometimes two gardens are visited in one day or one garden is seen in the afternoon after the morning has been spent in an interesting town nearby. There are occasional other outings to Christmas Fairs, race meetings and other events.

If you have a gardening problem you are encouraged to ask about it – someone at the meeting will be able to help you.

There is plenty going on in the Club – come and join us. Visitors are very welcome!